Agile Playbooks for Collaborative Sales

Collaborative sales starts by rethinking old assumptions. Complex problem solving is a collaborative process, not constrained by outdated sales methodologies. The most complex sales process is driven by scenarios, to manage risk, to drive conversations around what-if scenarios. Isn't it about time to start collaborating to get deals done?

Chris Ortolano

Meet Chris Ortolano

Founder, Outbound Edge

Chris Ortolano is a community leader focused on solving complex problems. This includes collaborative sales playbooks focused on mitigating risk to increase buyer/seller alignment. Chris has also designed and delivered enablement systems for Cience, learning systems at DiscoverOrg, and call coaching at Execvision.

Chris has developed his collaborative approach working with state, regional, and local leaders to solve complex land use and transportation issues. This experience has shaped his approach to complex, high stakes problem solving working with multiple stakeholders simultaneously to get deals done, and two small exits.

Align stakeholders on both sides of the table.


Our Services

Account Playbooks

  • Market Trends
  • Account Insights
  • Stakeholder Analysis

Risk Playbooks

  • Stakeholder Risk
  • Problem Solving Risk
  • Financial Risk

Story Playbooks

  • Alignment Stories
  • Motivation Stories
  • Impact ROI and Data Stories

Getting started with Agile Playbooks

Agile playbooks integrated with your CRM and sales engagement tools and allow for fast access via unified search without boiling the ocean. Use a proprietary matrix model to quickly analyze complex business problems, and propose strawman solutions to engage stakeholders. Work towards buyer/seller team alignment to mitigate risk and other obstacles inherent in any difficult decision making process.

Start collaborating and solve complex problems.